The best wave glass dildo.
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Blue Wave

Blue Wave

An elegant glass dildo is made from fracture resistant, sturdy, thick glass that has a gorgeous blue wave up the shaft. This wave is textured for the most sensational feeling during insertion and during thrusting.

The tapered head is smooth and seamless. The slight curve in the shaft gives a perfect massage as deep as you need it. Massage higher up for a sensual G spot massage, or deeper in for a pleasurable inner massage. We think this design is one of the best glass dildos.

Measures approximately 7 1/2 inches long, and 1 1/4 inches wide.

Price $39.99
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Pink Swirl
Glass Swirl

Blue Swirl Glass Dildo
Swirl Dildo

Pink Ribbed Wand
Ribbed Wand

Nubby Blue Glass Dildo
Blue Dildo

Beaded Glass Wand
Glass Wand


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To order over the phone: 856-382-0628