Pretty pink swirl is the best glass dildo.
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Pink Swirl

Pink Swirl

The head on the sweet and flirty pink glass wand is large and tapered for an easy and comfortable insertion. The head also helps probe you deep inside, and massage your G spot if you only insert it a couple of inches deep.

The colored swirls add texture and a ribbed effect, which heightens your pleasure. The flared base allows it to stand high and mighty as if showing off it's good looks but with good reason, it's easily one of the best glass dildos.

Crafted from sturdy, fracture resistant glass, not thin and fragile glass. It grabs the temperature from it's surroundings and holds it in for a great contrast.

Measures about 7 1/2 inches long and 1 1/4 inches wide.

Price $36.99
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Pink Swirl
Glass Swirl

Blue Swirl Glass Dildo
Swirl Dildo

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Ribbed Wand

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Glass Wand


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